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Durchsuchen Sie unser gesamtes Sortiment an akustischen Studiofliesen, die in Großpackungsform mit entsprechenden Staffelpreisen erhältlich sind. Alle unsere Akustikschaumplatten sind auf Lager und sofort versandfertig. Alle in Großbritannien hergestellt und in unkomprimierter Form versendet, kommen sie sofort einbaufertig bei Ihnen an. Geben Sie jetzt Ihre Bestellung auf.


We have put various packages together for you to save you all the hard work of having to do so. These kits can save yourself some money and get yourself a room that looks and sounds great.  With these acoustic tile kits our very competitive prices become even better.

If you have a large area to cover or a number of studios to acoustically treat then our acoustic foam tile kits may the answer for you.  In this collection you will find various sized acoustic treatment kits at discounted rates. With various sized acoustic tiles on offer as well as the vast range of profiles  such as wedge acoustic tiles or egg crate acoustic tiles we are certain you will find a product that suits your studio needs.  If you need a lot of absorbent material for a project then you have headed to the right place.