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Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser gesamtes Sortiment an Isolationsgeräten, einschließlich Drum-Kit-Plattformen, Lautsprecher- und Monitor-Isolationspads und Halterungen für Gig-Equipment. Alle diese Artikel werden in unserer Fabrik in Großbritannien hergestellt und sind auf Lager. Geben Sie jetzt Ihre Bestellung für die Lieferung am nächsten Tag auf.


Placing your monitors, PA, and gig equipment directly on desks or the floor can lead to numerous issues, affecting both you and those in adjacent or lower rooms. Vibrations can distort sound quality and transmit noise through furniture and floors. However, by using our Isolation Platforms, you can significantly enhance equipment performance and reduce unwanted vibrations.

Our Drum Isolation Kits are particularly popular, offering superior decoupling for drumming setups. Similarly, our Speaker and Monitor Isolation Pads and Gig Equipment Supports are designed to optimize sound clarity and provide a stable foundation for your audio gear. These products not only improve sound quality but also protect your equipment and surroundings from vibration-related disturbances.

Experience the difference our Isolation Equipment can make in creating a more controlled and professional audio environment. Whether you're setting up a studio, rehearsal space, or home cinema, our range of products offers the solutions you need for superior sound isolation and clarity.