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Büro-Akustikplatte – Wandmontage

Stöbern Sie durch unsere große Auswahl an wandmontierten Akustikplatten, die für den Einsatz in Büros, Restaurants, Klassenzimmern und ähnlichen Anwendungen geeignet sind. Mit über 30 Farben und einer Reihe von Designs und Größen zur Auswahl sind wir sicher, dass wir ein Produkt haben, das perfekt zu Ihren akustischen Behandlungsanforderungen passt. Alle Paneele werden in Großbritannien auf Bestellung gefertigt, also geben Sie Ihre Bestellung noch heute auf.

Büro-Akustikplatte – Wandmontage

Our wall-mounted acoustic panels are designed to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, offering a range of mounting options for easy installation. Available in 31 colors and various shapes and sizes, they cater to different office needs and branding requirements. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, reach out to us for custom solutions.

These panels are an effective way to control sound and reduce noise pollution in the workplace, whether in reception areas, call centers, or meeting rooms. They can also reinforce your company's branding with the right choice of colors or screen-printed designs.

Handmade in the UK, our panels are crafted from fire-resistant, durable materials that are easy to clean and maintain. We offer both Class A and Class B sound-absorbing panels to meet diverse needs. As a manufacturer, we can create panels to your specifications, accommodating unique shapes or spaces that require acoustic treatment.

Our current offerings include square, rectangular, and hexagonal panels, as well as circular discs in various diameters. For those looking to make a statement, our designer acoustic panels are available in a variety of shapes to create stunning geometric wall designs.

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