Acoustic Panels Are Now More Vital Than Ever
Shaun Snaith
Don't Let Poor Office Acoustics Cost You A Sale

Who would have thought a year ago we would be facing the challenges that all businesses, large, medium and small are facing right now with the events of COVID-19? One area that is suffering amongst countless others is the professional sector where staff are being encouraged to work from home. This new way of working has brought up a number of issues that has had to be quickly addressed and adapted to thanks to technology and thinking outside of the box.
However there is one issue that technology has been unable to solve and that is the issue of acoustics. With the advent of working from home and more business meetings and client meetings being held over Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams and the like the issue of room acoustics has never been more apparent.
Probably like many of you reading this blog we are constantly receiving phone calls from people who are working from home trying to sell a service or product or specifying for a project and such. But the problem we are constantly getting is the ability to be able to hear what's being said. If there person at the end of the phone line can't clearly understand what the caller is trying to sell what confidence will that person have in that service or product. Despite the fact that more people than ever are working from home does not remove the need sound professional. Having a conversion with someone who sounds like they are sat in the bathroom does not sound professional and it does not instil confidence.
Acoustic Treatment Is The Key

If you want your clients to be able to hear you clearly and if you want your business meetings to be more productive you need acoustic treatment to tame those echoes and that reverberation in your office. For most working from home they aren't sat in a purpose built office, they're either working in the spare box room or working off the dining room table. The problem this poses is that these rooms were never designed for this use so it is completely understandable that home workers are having difficulty with being heard and understood. The other problem is that many won't want to have unsightly acoustic treatment in their kitchen or spare room.
So What's The Answer

Of course Advanced Acoustics has the answer. We wouldn't be talking about it otherwise! For a number of years now we have manufactured acoustic treatment in the form of acoustic panels that are not only acoustically extremely effective and efficient but are also domestically acceptable. We offer a wide range of acoustic panels available in over 30 different colours as well as the option of screen printed acoustic panels. The acoustic panels are available in various shapes and sizes too, square, rectangular, round, hexagonal, geometric and more. Acoustic panels no longer have to be boring! Want some designer acoustic panels? No problem.
The additional beauty with our range of acoustic panels is that they are completely safe for domestic and commercial use. All of our acoustic panels are constructed from fire retardant materials so you can be sure they safe for use in your home. The materials we use are also non-irritant. Many manufacturers of acoustic panels use compressed mineral wool in the construction of their panels. This makes the panels cheaper to produce however over time the fibres that make up these panels will start to escape and can cause issues with dust and irritation. The material that goes into the construction of our acoustic panels are acoustic foam and polyester cloth, nothing dangerous and nothing that will cause irritation.
Protect Your Job With Improved Productivity
While times for many businesses right now is very hard analysts are telling us to expect things to get worse before they get better. With this in mind it has never been more vital for staff to be more productive than ever, for sales teams to be more effective than ever and for support teams to be more responsive than ever. The best way to ensure high productivity is for staff to work in an environment that encourages productivity. Home workers won't be productive if the clients they are talking to can't hear the sales pitch. Business meetings won't achieve their goals if no one can follow the conversation. Help yourself by helping the room you are working in help you. Install a little acoustic treatment, control the room's acoustics and go and complete that sale.