Standard acoustic tiles are affective at mid to high frequencies. This includes products such as the Wedge PRO or Euphonic Acoustic Tiles. This is because the acoustic foam tiles are thin and so can only absorb shorter waves. Or absorb waves with less power and travelling at slower speeds. If you use only acoustic tiles there is'nt enough foam depth to absorb the stronger sound waves.
Low-end frequencies have very long wavelengths. These wavelengths have a lot of strength. This means that more foam is necessary to absorb these frequencies. This is why bass traps are absolutely needed in any room that is going to be used for recording, mixing or practicing. In addition the frequencies tend to build up in the corners of a room and this is why we have corner bass traps. Most studios do not have the space or funds available to be able to treat the whole wall with thick, bass trapping foam. And you wouldn’t want to do that.
Noise can be 6dB louder in a corner than in any part of a room and this is why we insist on the installation of bass traps in the corners. The wider the bass traps the lower they can absorb to. Standard bass traps are usually 12” wide but these bass traps can’t absorb the very low frequencies. This is why we introduced the MAXXX Bass Trap. This has a width of 24” creating a larger area for the low and very low frequencies to be trapped.
Bass traps do not just absorb the low-end frequencies in your room. They also help to better define the low frequencies making them easier to control and recognize. This in turn helps you to achieve better results in your recordings. If a person is having trouble with the music sounding good in the studio but terrible in another room he or she needs bass traps. The situation just mentioned is a common problem and can easily be solved with the use of bass traps. These are not expensive and it is not necessary to fill a room with them. With correct installation in the right places low-end frequencies are tighten and excessive colouration is removed.